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After the war of darkness Kluke choose to do what ever she can and helps people in the hospital and meets Andropov there. She starts to take care of him and recuperate.

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Q: In Blue Dragon season two how does Andropov meet up with Kluke?
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What ep does kluke in blue dragon get her shadow?

Episode 14

HOW OLD is jiro on blue dragon?

he is 16, so are Shu and Kluke

Does jiro like kluke from anime blue dragon?

yes he liked her but i don't know if she liked him

Who does sho like in blue dragon?

In what? The game or anime? It's implied he may have feelings for Kluke in the anime but doesn't yet recognize them until Tenkai no Shichi Ryuu (season 2). But by Tenkai, Bouquet's been with him for two years so he probably likes her. Also, Kluke's nursing Andropov back to health after the battle against the darkness in the last season. In the game, he doesn't know what love is until the end. He asks Kluke who she likes more: Jiro or Shu. But in Blue Dragon Plus, he seems to have lost all understanding of the feeling "love" and he's back to square one. He's completely blind to Sahlia's affections and Kluke and Sahlia's "argument". In Awakened Shadow, Kluke and Sahlia both compete for his affections and he competes against Jiro for Kluke. However, he may just be competing for her attention rather than affection. It's actually stated that he may not be into "those feelings" yet. At the end of Awakened Shadow, depending on a certain sidequest, the player gets to choose who he ends up with at the end of the game: Kluke or Sahlia. By then, he finally understands what love is and agrees to go far away with Sahlia(or Kluke; I chose Sahlia that's why I put her name first) after the banquet.

Where you can download blue dragon season 2 for free?

in my bum

When is blue dragon season 2 will be in the xbox 360?


Is zola evil in blue dragon season 2?

no,she isn't

Do Jiro and Kluke end up together at the end of Blue Dragon Awakened Shadow?

There are scenarios in this game. Unfortunately you can choose the path of what happens between: Kluke w/ Shu, Sahlia w/ Shu, Kluke w/ Jiro. I beat the game and the thing is its all drama between Kluke and Sahlia fighting for Shu. At the last quests with Sahlia; Sahlia sees Shu with Kluke and she gets jealous, so she decides to make an "Ultimate Cookie" which is a quest where you have to get ingredients for it. When Sahlia finishes the cookie, the game asks you: Yes, Shu eat the Ultimate Cookie; or No, Shu does not want to eat the Ultimate Cookie. If you pick Yes than Sahlia would be with Shu, than there would be a quest where Jiro wants to get with Kluke. Its all drama, basically you can choose what happens between those 4 people. So the answer is Yes and No.

Will there be a season 3 for Blue Dragon?

Unfortunately, no. But, the company may surprise us.

What is blue dragon about?

a blue dragon is about a blue dragon

How many different versions or forms of blue eyes white dragon is there?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Dragon Master Knight (In a way)

When did Blue Dragon happen?

Blue Dragon happened in 360.