Are you kidding? Of course I will! Here, I'll even sign an autograph for you. ;D
Buddy Holley, I know that'll be the Day!!
Yogi Berra, Alec Guiness, JD Salinger, and 400 thousand others.
Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. Eartha Kitt died in 2008.
Duggy Day is a famous radio DJ from Scotland
Many people have never met a famous person. Some people however, have met plenty of famous people throughout their lifetime.
It could be due to your body language and the expressions on your face.
You should ask him because he might ask another girl sooner or later so you might want to ask him right now until the day of the dance it happened to me and i got a boyfriend at the end of the day
ask her to study at my house (as study date) or ask her to go to your house if she says no then try to ask a different day .If you ask the next day she might think your desperate.
because probably one day he goes to French and people might ask question to him
Ask Jakeidra
ask them
people were born on that day like.............. MY friend
Paul Newman
because she could ask better questions the world is in turmoil people are dying every day in the middle east and your worried about why taylor swift is famous singer. the Presidential election is a month go read up on the candidates
Serena Williams absolutely loves Green Day.
raise, day off, promotion, date