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This is one of the many grave questions concerning the Chappaquidick affair. Why did Kennedy escape relatively unscathed, while Mary Jo died an agonizing death of a combination of drowning and suffocation that the Medical examiners estimate could have taken up to four hours before she actually expired- Drowning is a barbaric thing and it has never been used as a capital punishment mode by any civilized country-though barges full of religious heretics were ( Dumped) in the period of the Edict of Nantes. ( prisoners were c hained or otherwise secured before the ballast vents were opened- yeccch!) it is so barbarous it has never been used as an execution technique despite a lack of violence to body parts- no shocks, flame scars, burns or gas fumes. still its an agonizing and not rapid way to die. How Teddy was able to rapidly escape unharmed, and why he waited an estimated nine hours (again agonizing) before notifying the authorities, it is beyond belief in a sense, but it happened. why was he not required to ( chuck up his commission) as a minimum sanction- that is resign from politics- STAT!

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Q: If Mary Jo Kopechne was still alive then why wasn't she able to escape like Kennedy did?
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