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Q: I really hate this boy he keeps on watching tv what should i do?
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Should you trade in black ops it really annoys you?

yes if you really hate it

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watching himself on tv

When a guy says he's sick of you but keeps you on his Facebook and messenger page does he really hate you?

it's either he forgot you were up there or he was just pissed off

Why do jeopardy constants not wager everything during the final round since only the winner keeps the cash?

people wager at the end of jeopardy because if you don't wager hey i guess i really never thought about that because i hate watching game shows like that.Anyone else got an answer &one that makes sense.

How do you have somebody that hates you to not hate you?

you should redo what you did wrong and apologize to the person and don't give up if you really want that person to not hate you.

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Stalked Someone's Watching - 2011 Twist of Hate 4-1 was released on: USA: 9 December 2013

Should you date a guy that your friends hate?

if you really like him you shouldn't care what your freinds think.

Is it normal to hate playing and watching sports?

It is not normal or abnormal. It is all in the personality. Some people may like sports some may not. So there is no way to really classify it has "Normal".

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Because Eggman keeps trying to take over Mobius, but Sonic keeps stopping him!

What do you do if you think someone fancies you but you dislike them?

Well first of all do you really hate them this much to be asking the question? If you really hate them you shouldn't care,but obviously you do. Just tell them how you feel,But you should first figure out how you feel.

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The Boston Celtics

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The duration of I Really Hate My Job is 1.48 hours.