Whoever made this question needs to learn how to spell badly huey p long you r a bad ass speller
No, Huey Freeman is not a real life person. The character of Huey Freeman is named after, but not based on Huey P. Newton. Huey Freeman is a character in the comic and cartoon Boondocks.
Huey Freeman And Riley Freeman
He is divorced and not gay.
Huey Lewis' girlfriend is Gretchen Privett. They have been together for 2 years.
Huey Freeman's favorite color is Blue and Orange
Huey is a somewhat common name. There was Louisiana governor Huey Long, Baby Huey (fictional) and Huey, Dewey, and Louie (Donald Duck's three nephews). Many people have been named Huey.
Donald Duck's nephews are named Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
Huey Freeman's middle name is Pierce. Huey Pierce Freeman
Huey's cap color is red.
David Huey Hayman goes by Huey.
Huey P. Long was shot three times in the abdomen in the hall of that State Capitol, by Dr. Carl Weiss. He died the next day when surgeons failed to stop major internal bleeding.
No, Huey Freeman is not a real life person. The character of Huey Freeman is named after, but not based on Huey P. Newton. Huey Freeman is a character in the comic and cartoon Boondocks.
Baby Huey was created in 1949.
Diana Huey is 5'.
Huey is 6ft tall