Regarding parcels and couriers/delivery companies, it means that the item has been delivered to a hub (which sends items to local depots) by hand (sack).
If you mean the anime, then yes. You would only be able to see it or get it via eBay and in Japanese.
You can find out more information about the show and where to watch full-length, legal, high quality videos online (via streaming downloads....totally free) Enjoy!
Via Paxton is 5' 8".
1988 Winner: Hacksaw Jim Duggan - first ever winner of event.» 1989 Winner: Big John Studd (via eliminating Ted DiBiase).» 1990 Winner: Hulk Hogan (via eliminating Mr. Perfect).» 1991 Winner: Hulk Hogan (via eliminating Earthquake).» 1992 Winner: Ric Flair (via eliminating Sid Justice).» 1993 Winner: Yokozuna (via eliminating Randy Savage).» 1994 Winner(s): Bret Hart/Lex Luger - both men eliminated each other at same time to become '94 co-winners.» 1995 Winner: Shawn Michaels (via eliminating British Bulldog).» 1996 Winner: Shawn Michaels (via eliminating Diesel).» 1997 Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin (via eliminating Bret Hart).(Note: Bret Hart originally eliminated Austin when officials were not looking but Austin rolled back in and continued the match to eliminate Hart)» 1998 Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin (via eliminating The Rock).» 1999 Winner: Vince McMahon (via eliminating Steve Austin).» 2000 Winner: The Rock (via eliminating Big Show).» 2001 Winner: Stone Cold Steve Austin (via eliminating Kane).» 2002 Winner: Triple H (via eliminating Kurt Angle).» 2003 Winner: Brock Lesnar (via eliminating The Undertaker).» 2004 Winner: Chris Benoit (via eliminating Big Show).» 2005 Winner: Batista (via eliminating John Cena).» 2006 Winner: Rey Mysterio (via eliminating Randy Orton).» 2007 Winner: The Undertaker (via eliminating Shawn Michaels).» 2008 Winner: John Cena (via eliminating Triple H).Source:
It is an electronic receipt of any goods/services that you have purchased opposed to a paper receipt. They are usually sent to you via email and the idea is to not waste paper.
a hub is a central unit.. through which all the wires (termed as transmission medium) pass in a network.. so a computer to hub means the wires are passed through a hub.. whereas computer to computer can mean the computers are directly connected (home LAN) or via hub
You do not have to connect your router to your PC via ethernet cable, you can instead connect via wi-fi and your router must be connected to your hub.
via ad-hoc XD
On-site support is provided via Internet for the HomeConnect Home Network Ethernet Hub.
One. A USB hub is plugged in via a USB port, that port only uses 1 IRQ. So all devices on the hub use the same IRQ. You could have a hub with 10 ports still using 1 IRQ.
Link-type shared
Remit a "cease and desist" letter to the agency via registered mail with receipt requested.
@ computers to computer connected together via a crossover cable. No hub, switch, domain or central server.
Sata is a type of cable that connects hardware items such as optical drives to the motherboard. For those that are not overly technical the motherboard is the hub of your PC/Laptop that gathers the information from various components and feeds that information to you via your monitor.
Depending on the exact context, it might mean "We talk via Badoo", "Let's talk via Badoo", or "We'll talk via Badoo".