That is such a stupid question, but I'll answer anyway. You go to the sign in bar and click join. Next you make up a user and type it in. Fill in all details and apply. It'll tell you more after hopefully. If it doesn't ask friends or family.
No, but you can change the capitalisation, for example; If your name is 'username', you could change it to something like 'UsErNaMe'.
what is beauty username for kik
In Avatar: Legends of the arena you just need to click on your name to change it. I am not sure about THAT OTHER webgame sorry.
go to homepage and look around it said forgot your password type your username and it will tell you your password.
Sure I'll give u mine but it's expired sorry :( Username: sarahstar password: Sarah
Unfortunately, you cannot change your Snapchat username. So, when you make your account, make sure that you like it when you choose your username.
You can make up a username.
You make a username and password so you should know it.
just type the username and password you want and you use that
You Can't :P You'd Have To Make A New Account To Get A New Username
All you do is login with what ever username or password you want and that is your username and password.
You can't. If you want a different username you'd have to make a new account.
in your batch file type: Move (the directory or folder and the file) space (the directory you want it in) example: move "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\text.txt" "C:\Users\%username% You can change the %username% to your username but %username%is the variable for your username
make a username and password.
YOU just type it in