No, arguments can either be strong or weak, however, a valid argument would be considered a sound argument. The opposite would be an invalid argument.
Josiah Thomas was born on April 28, 1863 and died on February 5, 1933. Josiah Thomas would have been 69 years old at the time of death or 152 years old today.
yes, but it would be impossible for her to read it all. she keeps all of it thow, in hopes to one day read it all.
A fast person because it can get away from the strong person
Miley Cyrus receives many messages a day. It would be impossible for her to reply to every message she receives.
No, arguments can either be strong or weak, however, a valid argument would be considered a sound argument. The opposite would be an invalid argument.
Valid arguments are not described as strong or weak. Validity refers to the logical structure of an argument - if the premises logically lead to the conclusion. An argument can be valid but still weak if the premises are not well-supported or sound.
Strong use of fact in the writers arguments
To say "hello my name is Josiah" in English, you would simply say "Hello, my name is Josiah." If you want to say it in another language, for example, in Spanish, you would say "Hola, mi nombre es Josiah." Each language has its own way of expressing this introduction, but the basic structure remains the same.
Oh honey, Josiah Strong believed that the pressure of increased population on food supply would cause conflicts and competition among nations for resources. In simpler terms, he thought it would lead to some serious turf wars over who gets to eat first. Basically, it's like a Hunger Games situation but with less attractive actors.
Both are terms, but for different aspects of a reply. You would decide what form and language to use "for the reply to Anne." If you were describing the contents of the reply, not the form, you would say that a word or phrase was "in the reply to Anne."
What question would you like me to reply to?
An antonym i think for reply would be is ask. because reply is answer the opposite is ask
Josiah Bartlett was born on November 21, 1729 and died on May 19, 1795. Josiah Bartlett would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 285 years old today.
Josiah Hornblower was born on February 23, 1729 and died on January 21, 1809. Josiah Hornblower would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 286 years old today.
When I am asked how I am, I usually reply that I am fine.
This would be the same as a one word reply like yes or no.