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Bilbo by nature is good hearted, sacrificing and loyal, he would give up his life for the betterment of others and this is what made him a true hero.

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Q: How would you describe the personality of Bilbo Baggins?
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Whose real name is Bilbo Baggins?

"Bilbo Baggins" is the name of Bilbo Baggins. Unless you're asking for his untranslated Westron name, which would be "Bilba Labingi".

Who is the epic hero in Lord of the Rings?

The hobbit Bilbo Baggins, mainly, although he had an awful lot of help along the way.

Who is Frodo Baggins' uncle?

The Longfather Trees of the Hobbits show Frodo with five Uncles: Dinodas Brandybuck Didonas Brandybuck Saradas Brandybuck Rorimac (old Rory) Brandybuck Dudo Baggins Frodo's father, Drogo Baggins was Bilbo's second cousin, so they were 2nd cousins once removed. However, in the book Frodo is commonly referred to as Bilbo's nephew, so Bilbo is referred to as Frodo's Uncle. Baggins.

What line is Bilbo Baggins first mentioned in The Hobbit?

Bilbo Baggins' Diary Entry Dear diary, Today, after having thirteen unexpected guests over at my house I was taken on an adventure. I was only just starting to realize how far this journey would be and how much respect I would lose from my community when we were faced with three nasty trolls. Their names were Bert, Tom and William. They were complete morons. They were also very hungry and thought the dwarves would be perfect for dinner. Thankfully, they had no interest in eating me. Just as the first of the dwarves was about to be cooked, Gandalf made his move. Like me he had noticed that the trolls were not very smart. So when they were not looking he sneaked into the bushes behind them. Then he started teasing them but did it in a way that made the trolls think it was them. Once they were confused and had started fighting with each other, I slipped on my invisibility ring and set the dwarves free. After that Gandalf turned the trolls into stone and we had a lovely dinner. Although it was delicious, it was not a good start to our quest.

What is Bilbo and Gollum's game?

Bilbo said, talking to himself, "what have i got in my pocket?" (it was the Ring). Gollum thought it was a riddle and Bilbo decided to make it one. he gave Gollum three chances to guess and gollum lost after four. then gollum went "to get something" (it was the ring), and Bilbo thought he was abandoned and left with the ring on. Gollum thought Bilbo knew the way out and he wanted to follow him, realizing Bilbo had the ring. Bilbo saw Gollum racing towards the gate and followed him to safety.

Related questions

Whose real name is Bilbo Baggins?

"Bilbo Baggins" is the name of Bilbo Baggins. Unless you're asking for his untranslated Westron name, which would be "Bilba Labingi".

Who is the epic hero in Lord of the Rings?

The hobbit Bilbo Baggins, mainly, although he had an awful lot of help along the way.

Who is Frodo Baggins' uncle?

The Longfather Trees of the Hobbits show Frodo with five Uncles: Dinodas Brandybuck Didonas Brandybuck Saradas Brandybuck Rorimac (old Rory) Brandybuck Dudo Baggins Frodo's father, Drogo Baggins was Bilbo's second cousin, so they were 2nd cousins once removed. However, in the book Frodo is commonly referred to as Bilbo's nephew, so Bilbo is referred to as Frodo's Uncle. Baggins.

Does a hobbit in The Lord of the Rings have the surname Bunce if so which one?

According to the Baggins genealogy in The Lord of the Rings, Bilbo had a Great Aunt Mimosa Bunce who married Ponto Baggins. She would have been Frodo's 2Great Aunt.

What does Gandalf from 'The Hobbit' eat?

The short answer would be "What DOESN'T Bilbo Baggins eat?" Hobbits are the closest of all the Humanoids to Men, and they eat the same things. Whatever YOU like to eat, Bilbo would probably like, too, except in much more copious quantities.

What creatures does Bilbo Baggins encounter through Chapter 3?

Bilbo met the Dwarves in Chapter 1. He met Trolls in Chapter 2. He met the elves of Elrond's house in Chapter 3. These would have been mostly Noldorin elves, but Sindarin elves and Sylvan elves would have been present also.

Who accompanies Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit?

Perhaps the question would be "who does Bilbo accompany on a trip." Bilbo travels with Gandalf the wizard and thirteen dwarves: Thorin Oakenshield (their leader), Dwalin, Balin, Gloin, Oin, Dori, Ori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Fili, and Kili. This not including ponies.

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I am no expert of American Indians, but I doubt there is a single "personality" that would describe such a diverse cultural community. To try and describe a single personality would be relying on outdated and offensive stereotypes.

How would you describe personality?

very good and nice

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funny and serous and brave

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he is funny