One of the most savage,tortuous ways of dying.Brake was wrapped in deer skins and set up over an open fire to bake alive until his last breath was taken.There were times when for whatever reason the fire would go out (rain/snow) and the person hanging would ltterally starve and dehydrate to death.
In the movie My Life in Ruins, the main character, Georgia, is missing her "kefi" which is Greek for "mojo".
Ares. He was killed when Zeus killed him with the whip of fire.
Missing you
Ellie killed her mom and the younger sister killed ellie
From Hell It Came
Missing Believed Killed was created on 1974-11-23.
The Confederate casualties were 21,637 killed, wounded and missing. The Union's were 23,049, killed wounded and missing.
Maybe she was killed in the tornado.
there were 1600 killed, wounded and or missing for the british and 800 killed, wounded and or missing for the patriots
Could be, broken/missing brake hold down hardware, cracked/broken brake shoes, frozen brake cylinder, frozen e-brake cable,
The word "casualty" refers to those listed as killed, wounded and or missing. The acronym for these are: KIA- Killed in Action, WIA- Wounded in Action, MIA- Missing in Action.
15,878 killed - 6,126 injured - 2,713 missing
It could be a uneven brake pad due to a warped rotor or it could be a missing spring between the two brake pads that holds them together or a missing noise surpressor between the caliper and the brake pad.
In the First Battle of Bull Run, the Union had 481 killed, 1011 wounded and 1216 captured/missing. The Confederacy had 387 killed, 1582 wounded and 13 missing. In the Second Battle of Bull Run, the Union had 1747 killed, 8452 wounded and 4263 captured/missing. The Confederacy had 1096 killed and 6202 wounded.
A brake line may be broken missing or loose.
people injured,killed,captured or missing in war