Mike Ditka is approximately 6' 3" in height. He is a former NFL player.
Mike Ditka is approximately 6' 3" in height. He is a former NFL player.
Mike Ditka's birth name is Ditka, Michael Keller.
The cast of Get Coached by Mike Ditka - 2010 includes: Mike Ditka as himself
Mike Ditka was born on October 18, 1939.
Mike Ditka was born on October 18, 1939.
Mike Ditka played and coached American football.
Mike Ditka
The cast of Mike Ditka Show - 1982 includes: Mike Ditka as himself Jeannie Morris as herself
You buy them from Mike Ditka. Where else?? :D
Mike Ditka was born on October 18, 1939.
Mike Ditka was a tight end for the Bears, Eagles, and Cowboys between 1961-1972.
Ditka has 3 sons and one daughter according to NNDB.com.