Kelly Monaco's birth name is Kelly Marie Monaco.
Raniero Monaco Di Lapio is 186 cm.
She left General Hospital. She was on Dancing With The Stars twice.
Kelly Mumme is 5' 7".
Kelly Ramel is 5' 7".
Kelly Monaco's birth name is Kelly Marie Monaco.
Kelly Monaco is a/an Actress/Model
Kelly Monaco was born on May 23, 1976.
Kelly Monaco was born on May 23, 1976
I was with kelly monaco yesterday ,and yes she does smoke,
Grace Kelly is buried at the Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Monaco, where she was married to Prince Rainier III.
drop dead
Kelly Monaco is 41 years old (birthdate: May 23, 1976).
Soap star Kelly Monaco and dance pro Alec Mazo were the first winning team.
Kelly Monaco was born on May 23, 1976
how talls and weights carolina of monaco