Will Friedle's birth name is Friedle, William Alan.
Will Friedle was born on August 11, 1976.
Will Friedle was born on August 11, 1976.
Will Friedle is 40 years old (birthdate: August 11, 1976).
Will Friedle from Boy Meets World wears boxers
He wears boxers
Will Friedle
Yes, he did.
Will Friedle is the actor that played Eric Matthews.
The cast of Totally Kids Sports - 1992 includes: Will Friedle as Himself - Host Ebenezor Quaye as Himself - Host Liz Vasarhelyi as Herself - Host
According to Wikipedia, the birth name of DJ Otzi is Gerhard Friedle who was born January 7, 1971 in Tyrol, Austria. DJ Otzi is well known in German speaking countries.