The cast of Deliver Me from Me - 2007 includes: Alexander Fazel as Alex Alexandra Hunter as Valerie - Bonnie - Clara - Elektra Vanessa Marsot as Psychiatrist
Alain G. Marsot has written: 'The Chinese community in Vietnam under the French' -- subject(s): Chinese
Vanessa Hudgens is 5' 2" tall.
She is 6.1 tall
Vanessa Kessinger is 5'.
Vanessa Chidsey is 5' 4".
Vanessa Lunnon is 5' 9".
Vanessa Alfaro is 5' 9".
Vanessa Marano is 161 cm.
Vanessa Mariveles is 5' 3".
Vanessa Lauren is 5' 2".
Vanessa Lorenzo is 171 cm.