Tim Matheson is best known for his role as Vice President John Hoynes in West Wing. He is 6 foot 2 inches, or 1.88 meters tall.
Tim Matheson was born on December 31, 1947.
Tim Matheson was born on December 31, 1947.
what is tim matheson's net worth
No , the two are not related .
You can buy it from amazon on VHS here: amazon.com/Dreamer-VHS-Tim-Matheson/dp/B000192W7E
Kelsey Matheson is 173 cm.
Lisa Matheson is 5' 5".
Murray Matheson is 5' 10".
Jim Horn
Steve Matheson is 5' 9 1/2".
David Ian Matheson is 5' 9".
Up the Creek (1984)