Daniel Cage Theodore is 5' 10 1/2".
Theodore Kaczynski is 68 years old (birthdate: May 22, 1942).
Brother Theodore's birth name is Gottlieb, Theodore.
Theodore Angelopoulos was born in 1943.
Theodore Enslin was born in 1925.
Theodore Marcuse was born on August 2, 1920, in Washington, District of Columbia, USA.
Theodore Marcuse died on November 29, 1967, in Hollywood, California, USA of road accident.
Ludwig Marcuse died in 1971.
Max Marcuse died in 1963.
Max Marcuse was born in 1877.
Herbert Marcuse was a 20th century German philosopher.
Jules Theodore is 6'.
Theodore Thyssen is 6'.
Herbert Marcuse was born on July 19, 1898.
Ludwig Marcuse was born on February 8, 1894.
Ludwig Marcuse was born on February 8, 1894.
Herbert Marcuse was born on July 19, 1898.