Rusty Apper was born on May 26, 1987, in Hampshire, England, UK.
The Rusty Razor was created in 1992.
The duration of Rusty Knife is 1.5 hours.
Rusty Smith was born on August 27, 1979.
You know how car mirrors say "objects in mirror are closer then they apper" he covered over the part " objects in mirror" and wrote "parents" to make it parents are closer then they apper. It was just a little joke.
Rusty Schwimmer's birth name is Deborah Schwimmer.
The cast of Halloween Party - 2003 includes: Rusty Apper as Jack
The cast of Macabre - 2003 includes: Rusty Apper as Shelly Callum Wilson as The Boy
Rusty Meyers is 6'.
Rusty Shelby is 6' 6".
Rusty Sheridan is 6' 3".
Rusty Jackson is 6' 2".
Rusty Joiner is 5' 11".
Rusty Cole is 5' 5".
Rusty Beaman is 5' 9".
Rusty Tillman is 6' 2".
Rusty Staub is 6' 2".
Rusty Nelson is 5' 11".