Rihanna Samuel was born on February 16, 1991, in Czech Republic.
Rihanna was born in St. Michael, Barbados.Rihanna is from Barbados - an island of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea.
Rihanna is single; she does not yet have a husband.
Rihanna's last name is Fenty and Beyonce's last name is Knowles
Rihanna is not married.
Rihanna Rimes's birth name is Kameco Clark.
She is 5-5
Rihanna Samuel was born on February 16, 1991, in Czech Republic.
She's 5' 8" (1.73 M)Maybe if that's tall to you,It's tall to me lol I'm 4'9
yes she is. she is taller than 90% women in USA with her 5'8"-5'9" tall build.
LeAnn Rimes's birth name is Rimes, Margaret LeAnn.
Leann Rimes!
LeAnn Rimes was born on August 28, 1982.
The Best of LeAnn Rimes was created in 2004.
The general concensus is that she is between 5'7 and 5'8, which is 173-175 cm tall.
LeAnn Rimes - album - was created on 1999-10-26.