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Q: How tall is Redfoo?
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How tall is redfoo from lmafo?


How tall is redfoo and sky blu from lmfao?

i think they are both quite tall. redfoo about 6 foot 2. skyblu a little shorter

Are skyblue and redfoo related?

Redfoo is Skyblu's uncle.Skyblu is Redfoo's nephew

Who is older redfoo and skyblu?


Where was redfoo born?

Redfoo was born in the usa

Did redfoo die?

No Redfoo is still alive

Are Redfoo and SkyBlu brothers in real life?

No!! Redfoo and SkyBlu are related but not brothers. Redfoo is SkyBlu's uncle.

What age is redfoo?

redfoo is 36 and skyblu is 27

Is redfoo dead?

yes RedFoo is dead I think?

Are redfoo and skyblu uncle and nephew?

Yes,Redfoo's dad is Skyblu's grandpa so Redfoo is Skyblu's uncle

What is the relationship between redfoo and skyblu?

Skyblu is redfoo's nephew

Is redfoo and sky blu brothers?

No, they are son ad father. That is wrong^. Redfoo is Sky Blu's uncle. so they are uncle and nephew.