Dennis Swilley's birth name is Dennis Neal Swilley.
Randy LaHaye is 5' 11".
around 5'5. he was pretty short. why do you think he wore those heels
US singer-songwriter Randy Newman is 74 years old (birthdate: November 28, 1943).
Jowell is 5'-5" and pretty-baby Randy is 5'-51/2" or 6"
Dennis Swilley's birth name is Dennis Neal Swilley.
Victoria Swilley is 5' 4".
The cast of The Green Avenger - 2010 includes: Randy Swilley as Randy
Jared Swilley was born in 1981.
Dennis Swilley was born on June 28, 1955, in Bossier City, Louisiana, USA.
Randy Hundley is 6'.
Randy Triggs is 6'.
Randy Tatum is 6'.
Randy Barco is 5' 11".
Randy Tobin is 6' 1".
Randy Maggiore is 5' 8".
Randy Laine is 6' 3".