The Tall Guy (1989) The Tall Man (2012) Tall Tales (1995)
As a young actor, Jamie Gertz starred as Muffy Tupperman on CBS sitcom "Square Pegs." A few years later, she had a recurring guest role on "The Facts of Life" playing a similar, preppy character.
7ft tall
Tall enough.
Justis Bolding is 5' 3 1/2".
Muffy Bolding has: Played Polly Bond in "Madhouse" in 2004. Played Polly in "Furnace" in 2007. Played Filipena Espinoza in "Disney Get Connected" in 2008. Played Ingrid in "Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver" in 2011. Played Desperella in "Silent But Deadly" in 2012.
Jim Bolding was born in 1949.
Jim Bolding died in 2011.
adding color, bolding, and underling is called fonts
something bold
Justis Bolding was born on July 27, 1979, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA.
In Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Muffy does not have a birthday. Nobody does. In Harvest Moon DS Muffy's Birthday is Summer 5th.
Muffy Marracco's birth name is Stephanie Morris.
Bonnie Bolding's birth name is Bonnie Catherine Bolding.
Muffy is a very cheerful and happy girl in harvest moon DS. She Lives in the bue bar with Griffin. If you want to marry muffy, Make her apple pie or give her anything from carter's dig (The girly things, not gold and silver. She HATES Them). Muffy is really ncie and cheerful, be careful, Griffin likes muffy too!