Mike Vannelli's birth name is Michael Vannelli.
Gino Vannelli is approximately 5 feet 11 inches tall.
5' 11" tall 5' 11" tall 5' 11" tall
The cast of The Playtrix - 2005 includes: Devin Long as Geo Mike Vannelli as Chlorpheous
No Gino Vannelli is not a Jehovah's Witness.
Gino Vannelli was born on June 16, 1952.
Gino Vannelli was born on June 16, 1952.
Mike He is 180 cm.
Mike Wallace is 6' 0" tall.
The cast of Gino Vannelli Live in LA - 2013 includes: Gino Vannelli as Performer
Mike Glennon is 6'6" tall.
Mike Trout Is 6'1'' Tall! In other words...He is a Big Man!