Joey Grit Winkler is 5' 7".
In an interview article I read, it said he was 6'3"
Mika Kani is 160 cm.
Henry Winkler is about 5'6". I'm 5'8" and he seemed about two inches shy (and he was wearing sneakers). I saw him recently at an autograph signing. He walked right past me without about 5 security guards (which actually outnumbered the amount of people there to see him).
Mika Tan's birth name is Saraswati Miyoko Kop Taetafa.
Mika Winkler was born on April 1, 1980, in Placerville, California, USA.
Mika Winkler i think
Austin Winkler is 6' 3".
Jenny Winkler is 173 cm.
Juri Winkler is 117 cm.
Kati Winkler is 170 cm.
Nina Winkler is 5' 3".
Mika Kubota is 153 cm.
Mika Someya is 5' 5".
Mika Simmons is 5' 5".
Mika Sakvarelidze is 6' 2".
Mika Seidel is 130 cm.