Karla Saldana goes by Karla Leticia Saldana Dominguez Suarez.
Shontae Saldana's birth name is Shontae Lupe Saldana.
Zoe Saldana has 3 children
Theresa Saldana was born on August 20, 1954, in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Blayne Saldana was born on November 27, 1990, in Cherry Point, North Carolina, USA.
Cisco Saldana is 5' 8".
Shontae Saldana is 5' 5".
Antoinette Saldana is 5' 2 1/2".
Saleh Meki died in 2009.
Saleh Meki was born in 1948.
As of the last available data, the population of Meki, Ethiopia is estimated to be around 31,000.
Meki Catholic School was created in 1989.
Apostolic Vicariate of Meki was created in 1980.
The population of Apostolic Vicariate of Meki is 5,855,029.
Emika Meki Emmanuel Nzewi has written: 'Master musicians and the music of Ese, Ukom and Mgba ensembles in Ngwa, Igbo society'