Stephanie Alisa McCall is 5' 8".
David McCallum is 83 years old (birthdate: September 19, 1933).
Mousy McCallum's birth name is Olivia McCallum.
New York City
Just curious, I would like to know month and day of Martha McCallum's birth?????
Screw martha
I don't know. Please answer. I am an admirer of Martha M.
Martha MacCallum is married.
Napoleon McCallum is 6' 2".
Shoshana McCallum is 5' 5".
Daniel Clive McCallum is 6'.
Giles McCallum is 5' 8 1/2".
NBA player Ray McCallum is 6'-03''.
No. David McCallum's daughter's name is Sophie. She was born in the mid 70's.
about 5' tall