Marlo Thomas is 80 years old (birthdate: November 21, 1937).
Marlo is 16 or 17.
Phil Donahue
Marlo Thomas is still very much alive and has even played fairly recent parts on television, including on Friends and Law and Order. Marlo is married to Phil Donahue since 1980.
yep he was a hater
Oliver Marlo is 180 cm.
Marlo Zaber is 5' 5".
Marlo Tinkham is 5' 11 1/2".
Marlo Smith Is 5'2"
William Fisken died in 1883.
Archibald Fisken died on 1970-06-20.
Archibald Fisken was born on 1897-03-01.
Geoffrey Fisken died on 2011-06-12.
Geoffrey Fisken was born on 1916-02-17.
Literally: "Her er til fisken".As a drinking cheer, you would say "skål for fisken".
Pappa and burken till fisken - 2002 TV is rated/received certificates of: Sweden:Btl
The cast of Fisken - 2011 includes: Eva Fritjofson as Svea Magnus Nilsson as Eugene Ulf Pilov as Fiskaren