Maddie Perry is 5'.
Maddie Planer is 5' 3".
Maddie Moate is 170 cm.
Maddie Runquist is 5' 8".
Maddie Walsh is 156 cm.
Maddie Hasson is 5' 6".
Maddie Jo Landers is 5' 7".
Maddie Johnson is 5' 5 1/2".
Maddie McGuire is 5' 6 1/2".
The cast of Darker by the Minute - 2014 includes: Maddie Benbenek as Young Catrina Brett Bentman as Albie Anne Frances Susana Gibb as Marion Chip Llorens as Father Peggy Schott as Barbara Dashiell Smith as Young Albie
Johnny Orlando currently (2020) is very tall, maybe 5'7 said it by his sister Maddie in a live of instagram .
Yes Maddie Poirier is better than Maddie Binns!