Ryan she is very beautiful ,hes to Hugo from brazier ,i love you ,you go to the crazy.
Laurette Spang-McCook was born on 1951-05-16.
Laurette Spang was born on May 16, 1951, in Buffalo, New York, USA.
Jonatan Spang is 178 cm.
Marcel Spang is 186 cm.
Martin Spang Olsen is 180 cm.
Laurette = Lauleki
Jack Spang was created in 1957.
The population of Sailly-Laurette is 286.
Laurette Séjourné was born in 1911.
Laurette Séjourné died in 2003.
Dan Spang was born on 1983-08-16.
Chris Spang was born on 1987-11-26.