Kathleen Kinmont is 46 years old (birthdate: February 3, 1965).
Kathleen Garman died in 1979.
Kathleen O'Meara was born in 1960.
Kathleen is 15 and Dina is 25
Kathleen Kenyon is mostly known for her excavation of Ancient Jericho.
Kathleen Winsor died on May 26, 2003 at the age of 83.
Kathleen Kinmont's birth name is Smith, Kathleen Kinmont.
Kathleen Kinmont was born on February 3, 1965.
Kathleen Kinmont was born on February 3, 1965.
Jill Kinmont was born on February 16, 1936.
Jill Kinmont was born on February 16, 1936.
Kinmont Hoitsma was born on 1934-04-10.
Kathleen Laskey is 5' 2".
Kathleen Saintsbury is 5' 5".
Kathleen Jackman is 163 cm.
Kathleen Key is 5' 3".
Kathleen Howell is 5' 6".
Kathleen Beller is 5' 3".