Julie Goodyear's birth name is Julie Kemp.
Julie Goodyear was born on March 29, 1942, in Heywood, Lancashire, England, UK.
Julie Kemp Goodyear is 75 years old (born March 29, 1942).
The cast of The Julie Goodyear Talk Show - 1994 includes: Max Clifford as Himself - Guest Julie Goodyear as Herself - Host Nina Myskow as Herself - Guest
The cast of The Truth About Julie Goodyear - 2002 includes: Julie Goodyear as Herself - Subject of film Carole Malone as herself Ken Morley as himself Lynne Perrie as herself Chris Quinten as himself
Julie Goodyear
Julie Goodyear played the part of barmaid Bet Lynch.
50 pence for a new packet of chewing gum.
Julie Adair is 5'.
Julie Pope is 5'.
Julie Engelbrecht is 168 cm.
Julie Zwillich is 163 cm.