Joe DeRita went by Curly-Joe.
Joe DeRita's birth name is Joseph Wardell.
Curly Joe DeRita was born on July 12, 1909.
Curly Joe DeRita was born on July 12, 1909.
Joe DeRita was born on July 12, 1909, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Joe DeRita died on July 3, 1993, in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA of pneumonia.
Joe DeRita who then took on the nickname "Curly Joe"
Curly Joe DeRita (born: Joseph Wardell) died on July 3, 1993 at age 83, from Pneumonia at the "Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital in Woodland Hills, California.
No. Curly was Curly Howard, and Curly Joe was Joe "Curly Joe" DeRita. Real name: Joseph Wardell.
Derita = kelika
Derita was created in 1860.