No; the Turkish actress Hazal Kaya was born October 1, 1990 and is still alive.
Krishna Jerrish Kaya
Kaya Sakrak is 5' 11".
kaya's real name is kaya is da bomb
Hazal Kaya's birth name is Hazal Leyla Kaya.
Leyla Hazal Kaya ;)
yes she is !
Hazal Kaya was born on October 10, 1990, in Gaziantep, Turkey.
No ,he didn't .He have a girlfriend,and Hazal Kaya have a boyfriend now.
Hazal Kaya is a Turkish actress and her religion has not been publicly disclosed.
No; the Turkish actress Hazal Kaya was born October 1, 1990 and is still alive.
hi all the friends i am a big fan of hazal kaya
hazel kaya isnot married