George has a son named G. Cameron Romero and a daughter named Tina Romero. Both are following in the father's footsteps and making films.
George Stanchev is 5'7".
George Raft is 5' 7".
George Sharperson is 6' 6".
George Basten is 5' 5".
George Romero is still alive.
George A. Romero has written: 'Martin'
George A. Romero was born on February 4, 1940.
George A. Romero was born on February 4, 1940.
George A. Romero filmography was born in 1940.
George Albert Romero goes by Bertie.
Pascual Romero is 6'.
Adela Romero is 163 cm.
Artie Romero is 6' 4".
Berto Romero is 173 cm.
Chance Romero is 5' 8".
Constantino Romero is 181 cm.