Marcel "Marco" van Basten is a 31 year old Dutch football manager. In the 1980s and 1990s he played football for Ajax, Milan, and the Dutch national team.
George Stanchev is 5'7".
George Raft is 5' 7".
George Sharperson is 6' 6".
George Ison is 5' 7".
Fred Basten's birth name is Fred Ernest Basten.
John Basten was born in 1947.
Fred Basten was born in Chicago, in Illinois, USA.
Marco van Basten was born on October 31, 1964.
Marco van Basten was born on October 31, 1964.
Alice Henrietta Gertrude Basten died in 1955.
Alice Henrietta Gertrude Basten was born in 1876.
Marco van Basten is 46 years old (birthdate: October 31, 1964).
Marco Van Basten is from Holland, so he played for Holland and club football was with a.C.Milan.
Marco van Basten goes by L'Airone (when playing for AC Milan in Italy), and San Marco.
His nationality Is Dutch .
Juergen Kohler