Reginald Dwight is Elton John's real name. Or his given name.
Elton Welsby's birth name is Roger Elton Welsby.
James Frederic Elton was born in 1840.
Elton Chigumbura is 25 years old (birthdate: March 14, 1986).
Diamond Girl - Elton John Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - Elton John
Ben Elton is 5' 8".
Rasmus Elton is 177 cm.
Elton goes by Elton.
The address of the Elton Branch is: 813 Main Street, Elton, 70532 0250
Elton John
If you mean Elton like Elton John then it stays the same. So it would be like: Me gusta Elton John.
Elton JohnElton John
Ben Elton's birth name is Benjamin Charles Elton.
Elton Brand's birth name is Elton Tyron Brand.
Elton Burkett's birth name is Elton Gail Burkett.
The cast of Late for Church - 2007 includes: Andrew David Beeman as Philemon Elton Laura Frahm as Brianna Elton Jonathan Frahm as Skylar Elton Kathleen Knudsen as Avril Elton Christine Knudsen as Clarissa Elton Renee Knudsen as Ella Elton Joshua Knudsen as Josh Elton Daniel Knudsen as Kyle Elton Michelle Knudsen as Matilda Elton Paul Knudsen as Milton Evan Elton Alycia Sedlacek as Driver Tyler Taylor as Amaziah Elton
The phone number of the Elton Branch is: 337-584-2640.