Darnell Ford's birth name is Darnell Robert Ford.
Darnell Wickham is 5' 11".
Darnell unique
Linda Darnell died on April 10, 1965 at the age of 41.
Jean Darnell died on January 20, 1961, in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Darnell Ford's birth name is Darnell Robert Ford.
Darnell Ford goes by DJ Rob Ford, and Rob Ford.
Darnell Trotter is 6'.
Darnell Price is 6'.
Darnell Wickham is 5' 11".
Darnell Garcia is 5' 9".
Gil Darnell is 6' 1".
Lee Darnell is 5' 10".
Sandra Darnell is 5' 6".
Darnell Stapleton is 6' 3".
Darnell Rhea is 5' 9".
Darnell Greene is 5' 10".