Lacey Catarino is 5' 9".
Catie Minx's real name is Roksana Zertva.
Catie Boles's birth name is Catherine T. Boles.
Ruby Laffoon died at the age of 72 on March 1, 1941.
Liam Neeson is just north of Millbrook, James Earl Jones is in Pawling, and Kevin Bacon lives right across the border in Sharon CT. Catie Couric and Mary Tyler Moore recently sold their houses near Millbrook, Eddie Murphy lost his house in Clinton to his divorce, and there is a laundry list of other people that lived in the Millbrook area but these are the most recent. Catie Couric still owns a block of land located across the street from her old house. Don't try to find these celebrities on their estates, you will never see them and you will be arrested if you trespass. Update Eddie Murphys house was in the town of Beekman not Clinton I believe it was Hynes Road.
Catie Laffoon was born on September 7, 1983, in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
Travis Laffoon is 6' 2".
Catie Duffey is 5' 3".
Catie Boles is 5' 6".
Catie Anderson is 5' 10".
Travis Laffoon's birth name is Travis Lee Laffoon.
Travis Laffoon goes by Travness.
Ruby Laffoon was born on January 15, 1869.
Ruby Laffoon was born on January 15, 1869.
Ruby Laffoon died on March 1, 1941.
Polk Laffoon was born on 1844-10-24.
Polk Laffoon died on 1906-10-22.