Bryan Dattilo's birth name is Dattilo, Bryan Ronald.
Bryan Dattilo goes by Bry.
Bryan Dattilo was born on July 29, 1971.
Bryan Dattilo was born on July 29, 1971.
Bryan Dattilo is 45 years old (birthdate: July 29, 1971).
An official fan phone number for Bryan Dattilo is not known at this time.
According to information that is available on the internet, it is stated that Bryan Dattilo is a famous American soap star. Bryan Dattilo is said to be best known as "Lucas Horton" from an NBC daytime soap opera.
Soapography - 2004 Bryan Dattilo 1-8 was released on: USA: 28 August 2004
Antonio Dattilo Rubbo died in 1955.
Antonio Dattilo Rubbo was born in 1870.
Bryan Liberty is 6'.
Bryan Ryan is 6'.