Ardijan Bunjoshi was born on May 19, 1969, in Peja, Kosovo, Yugoslavia.
Ardijan Bunjoshi's birth name is Ardijan Bunjoshi.
Ardijan Nuhiji was born on 1978-12-07.
tall tall
how tall do you have to be to be a model?how tall do you have to be to be a model?how tall do you have to be to be a model?how tall do you have to be to be a model?
Tall people are tall, because of their genetics. Ex: if your mom is tall and your dad is tall then you are most likely going to be tall, too. (:
Me am tall because my parents are tall.
He is 6'2" tall.
The Tall Guy (1989) The Tall Man (2012) Tall Tales (1995)
5' 11" tall 5' 11" tall 5' 11" tall
if your tall your conscience is going to be small, medium, or tall it doesn't matter.
That thing is very tall!
Someone who is five feet tall is 60 inches tall.