Claylene Jones's birth name is Claylene Marie Jones.
Hoppy Jones's birth name is Orville Jones.
Blaze Jones's birth name is Zaire Blaze Jones.
Georgette Jones's birth name is Tamala Georgette Jones.
Leisel Jones's birth name is Leisel Marie Jones.
Taiwan Jones was born on 1988-07-26.
NFL player Taiwan Jones is 6'-01''.
Taiwan Jones plays Cornerback for the Oakland Raiders.
Taiwan Jones plays for the Oakland Raiders.
Taiwan Jones is number 22 on the Oakland Raiders.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Taiwan Jones is 25 years old.
NFL player Taiwan Jones played for Eastern Washington.
NFL player Taiwan Jones weighs 197 pounds.
Taiwan is VERY hot and humid, and it's got wet winters. Taiwan is VERY hot and humid, and it's got wet winters.
Yes. We got 4 medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. it's not that good, but it's ok. Taiwan competes under the name 'Chinese Taipei' at the Olympic Games.
Yes a brother name karl
Taiwan is the new name of FORMOSA.. :]