Mark "The Undertaker" Calaway is 52 years old (birthdate: March 24, 1965).
The Undertaker was born on March 24, 1965
The Undertaker is about 45 years old.
Limp Bizket.
No undertaker was not poisoned because he is leaving to go to TNA in 2012 and i think that kane poisoned him
Undertaker joined WWE in the year 1990
Grinning Like an Undertaker was created in 1990.
in 1990
Undertaker is 44! Undertaker is 44!
1990, and he won.
Mark "The Undertaker" Calaway is 52 years old (birthdate: March 24, 1965).
The Undertaker (Mark Calaway) was born on March 24 1965. He is currently 52 years old and has been in the WWE for over 20 years now. He made his debut in the year 1990 and has been with the WWE ever since.
Survivor Series 1990
he is 45 years old
John cena is like 32 or something and undertaker is 45