His son Joey is 14 years old (February 28,1995) and his son Jakob is 11 years old (September 12, 1998)
Adrienne Nesser Armstrong is 48 years old (born October 6, 1969).She is the wife of Green Day singer Billie Joe Armstrong, and mother of Joey and Jakob Armstrong.
Louis Armstrong (old trumpet player), Neil Armstrong (first man to walk on the moon) and Billy Joe Armstrong (lead singer of the band Green Day). None of them are related in any way.
Demi Lavato is 23 years old and she is married to joe Jonas. They have a kid, Called jakey witch is 5 years old. don't be stupid she is 18 years old and isn't married to joe j and definitely doesnt have a kid
Kelley Armstrong is 43 years old (birthdate: May 30, 1968).
Billie Joe was 22.
Billie Joe Armstrong was born on February 17, 1972. He is now 41 years old. Billie Joe Armstrong is an American rock musician and occasionally an actor.
Billie Joe doesn't have a step-father. He only has one dad named, Andy Armstrong, but he died of cancer when Billie Joe was 10 years old.
Billie Joe is currently 39, having been born February 17th, 1972.
He raped by an old man
Billie Joe Armstrong is 37 years old.
Billie Joe Armstrong Is 40 years old, but he looks 20-30.
No, Billie Joe Armstrong did not make an album in 1977, as he was only five years old at the time.
No, he was only 4 years old