Laci Peterson was born on May 4, 1975 and died on December 24, 2002. Laci Peterson would have been 27 years old at the time of death or 40 years old today.
The person that killed Laci Peterson is her own husband Scott Peterson, who has been officially convicted for the act he had committed. He has been sentenced to first degree and second degree for the killings of Laci Peterson and his unborn child.
Roger Tory Peterson was born on August 28, 1908 and died on July 28, 1996. Roger Tory Peterson would have been 87 years old at the time of death or 106 years old today.
Laci Kay is 5' 2".
Tommy and Kate Vignatti are two fictional characters created for the fact based made for tv movie 'The Perfect Husband:The Laci Peterson Story'
Laci Cigoj died on May 12, 1991, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Laci Peterson is 5' 1".
Laci Peterson's birth name is Laci Denise Rocha.
Laci Peterson was born on May 4, 1975.
Laci Peterson was born on May 4, 1975.
Murder of Laci Peterson was born on 1975-05-04.
The person that killed Laci Peterson is her own husband Scott Peterson, who has been officially convicted for the act he had committed. He has been sentenced to first degree and second degree for the killings of Laci Peterson and his unborn child.
Scott Peterson was convicted of the murder of his wife, Laci Peterson, but the specific details of her death were not definitively proven in court. The prosecution's case was built on circumstantial evidence rather than physical proof of how Laci died.
At the little restaurant where Scott Peterson was working while in college.
Your a sick person
Laci's family and friends claim that Laci would not have tolerated physical abuse but according to her autopsy report she had sustained three fractured ribs either shortly before or at the time of death that were not consistant with her being dropped after death. We can only hope that he hit or kicked her body immediately after death and not before.
May 12, 2003.
I am going to assume that you mean Laci Peterson. I have never heard of Tracy Peterson. Laci Peterson was murdered by her husband Scott Peterson in Modesto CA. At the time she was 8 months pregnant so Scott was also charged with the murder of the unborn boy baby named Conner. Scott Peterson was found guilty of both murders and was sentenced to death by lethal injection. Peterson now sits on San Quentin's death row. Also, see the link below for another possible Peterson case; Drew Peterson, currently on trial for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Salvo, killed in 2004. He is also under suspicion in the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, but has not yet been charged in that case.