well if you want to know Justin bieber is 16 on march 1st 2010
justin bieber will be 27 in 11 years
Justin bieber was 16 yeards old when he meet Selena Gomez , (Justin bieber and Selena Gomez is married together!)
At the beginning of the year 2003, Justin Bieber was 8 years old. He turned 9 years old on March 1st that year. so basiclly he was 9 years old in 2003 Whatever.
Justin Bieber's girlfriend, Selena Gomez, is 20 years old (birthdate: July 22, 1992).
Justin bieber is 17 years old his birthday is on march 1st
Justin bieber is 16 yrs. Old. He had turned 16 on the 1st of march.
No, Justin Bieber is 17 (born on 1st March 1993)
No, Justin Bieber is 17 (born on 1st March 1993)
Justin Bieber is 17 years old. (He'll be 18 March 1st)
He will be 23 if it's past March 1st!
well if you want to know Justin bieber is 16 on march 1st 2010
in 6 months, Justin will still be sixteen, his birthday is 1st march :)
Justin Bieber is 17 years old, he turned 17 on March 1st, 2011. You could meet him by purchasing meet and greets on any ticket website such as, ticketmaster, or stub hub. :) Justin Bieber's Birthday is March 1st, 1994 12:56 a.m. on a Tuesday.
He turned 17 on the 1st of March.