Joel Drucker was born on June 21, 1960, in New York City, New York, USA.
Joel Thomas Zimmerman is 36 years old (birthdate: January 5, 1981).
Hans Riegel has not died. He is still alive.
Joel Houston is 31 years old (birthdate: September 19, 1979).
Joel Moore is 40 years old (birthdate: September 25, 1977).
Joel Siegel was born on July 7, 1943 and died on June 29, 2007. Joel Siegel would have been 63 years old at the time of death or 72 years old today.
Joel Siegel was born on July 7, 1943.
Joel Siegel was born on July 7, 1943.
Joel Siegel died on June 29, 2007 at the age of 63.
Joel E. Siegel died on 2004-03-11.
Joel E. Siegel has written: 'Val Lewton: the reality of terror'
Don Siegel died on April 20, 1991 at the age of 78.
Jerry Siegel died on January 28, 1996 at the age of 81.
Don Siegel was born on October 26, 1912 and died on April 20, 1991. Don Siegel would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 102 years old today.
Jerry Siegel was born on October 17, 1914 and died on January 28, 1996. Jerry Siegel would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 100 years old today.
Bugsy Siegel was born on February 28, 1906 and died on June 20, 1947. Bugsy Siegel would have been 41 years old at the time of death or 109 years old today.
Joel G Siegel has written: 'Thinking finance' -- subject(s): Accounting, Finance 'Accounting handbook' -- subject(s): Accounting, Handbooks, manuals