He died in a car crash August 11, 1956, he was drunk at the wheel and drove off the road, the car flipped, and he was thrown from the car on Springs Fireplace Road. Jackson's skull smashed against a large tree, his last drip painting.
Jackson Pollock went by Jack the Dripper (due to his "drip" painting style).
Jackson. He is known as Jackson Pollock but he is Paul Jackson Pollick.
Shaun Pollock is 43 years old (birthdate: July 16, 1973).
He is 79 years old. His name is Joseph Walter Jackson.
Mahalia Jackson was born on October 26, 1911 and died on January 27, 1972. Mahalia Jackson would have been 60 years old at the time of death or 103 years old today.
Jackson Pollock was born on January 28, 1912 and died on August 11, 1956. Jackson Pollock would have been 44 years old at the time of death or 103 years old today.
One milestone in Jackson Pollock's life was becoming an artist. Second, when he started becoming a famous artist. Third, Jackson Pollock's death was very memorable.
Jackson Pollock's birth name is Paul Jackson Pollock.
From 1930 till his death in 1956.
paul Jackson pollock
Paul Jackson Pollock.
Jackson Pollock was inspired by me (Michael Jackson).
Sam Pollock died on August 15, 2007 at the age of 81.
Jackson Pollock was born on January 28, 1912.
Lee Krasner lived 1908 - 1994.
Jackson Pollock lived 44 years
jackson pollock is blind which was why his paintings are so abtast pictures