Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on the 27 January 1756 and died on the 5 December 1791, so he was thirty-five years old when he died.
Giuseppe Garibaldi died on June 2, 1882 at the age of 74.
Giuseppe Verdi went by Il Sovrano (the Sovereign).
Giuseppe Iannucci's birth name is Giuseppe Iannucci.
Giuseppe Grisoni died in 1769.
The people who composed Sanctus include Johann Sebastian Bach, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Guillaume Dufay, George Frideric Handel, Guillaume de Machaut, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Thomas Tallis, Thomas Tomkins and Giuseppe Verdi.
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) was 88 years of age when he died.
Giuseppe Verdi's birth name is Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi.
At the Grand Hotel in Milan, Italy on January 27, 1901.
Mr. and Mrs. Verdi Good answer! Their full names were Carlo Giuseppe Verdi and Luigia Uttini Verdi.
Giuseppe Verdi was born on October 10, 1813.
Giuseppe Verdi Monument was created in 1906.
Teatro Giuseppe Verdi was created in 1868.
Giuseppe Verdi is famous for writing a large number of operas.
Giuseppe Verdi died 6 days after he suffered from a stroke.
Aida was composed by Giuseppe Verdi.
Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi was created in 1801.
Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto Story was created in 2005.