Junggeun Oh was born on 1970-09-27.
He's not dead
Jane died of old age when she was 75 years old
Rue McClanahan died on June 3, 2010. She was 76 years old at the time of her death.
Junggeun Oh was born on 1970-09-27.
Death at an Old Mansion was created in 1976.
He was 950 years old.
The cause of death was old age. He lived to be 110 years old. Many say it was 70 years old but that does not seem old where did you get 110 from?
Where nikolay shilov was death in 1969
58 years old
Death of the Old West - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-PG
It was just natral cause of death. OF AN OLD AGE
he was 74 years old when he died of old age