Patrick Monahan is the singer in Train. The Lead Guitarist is Jimmy Stafford, and the Drummer is Scott Underwood.
Pat Monahan.
36 years old
he is 22 years old
The singer is Train
all train singers are a choir
Patrick Monahan is the singer in Train. The Lead Guitarist is Jimmy Stafford, and the Drummer is Scott Underwood.
Pat Monahan.
Back in the mid-70's heyday of their hits "Train, Train" and "Highway Song", the lead singer was Rick Medlocke. Currently, the group's lead singer is Mike Estes.
for about 6 or 7 years
Old Train was created in 1974.
American Singer is 16 years old.
he looks like someone in the 40s.
The song was written by the Canadian singer-songwriter, Fred Eaglesmith. He's written several other terrific songs.
don't madder how old you have to be you can be any age you want to be a singer
The welsh singer 'Duffy' is 24 years old