Zeri is 7 years old
Jessie T. Usher is 25 years old (birthdate February 29, 1992).
She is about 20.
The two little ones r 8@9 the little grl 6 jessie is 19 and the big one is 14 all in real life
Jessie Perry Stratford has written: 'The kingdom of Butler' -- subject(s): History
Jessie J is 22 years old.
Zeri is 7 years old
How old is the boy whow plays Luke on jessie
Jessie was 246 when she died
Win Butler is 37 years old (born Edwin Butler III, April 14, 1980).
Jessie Pavelka is 35 years old (born September 26, 1982).
Jessie Ward is 31 years old (birthdate: December 16, 1979).
Jessie J has no children or stepchildren.
Jessie J has no children or stepchildren.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Eddie Butler is 23 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Keith Butler is 25 years old.